HEIDELBERG SM74-8P + L, 8 color with coater
HEIDELBERG EIGHT COLOUR PRESS + Coater and extended deliverySheet Size: 520 x 740 mm.Number of impressions: 195 millionsSM74-8P + L8 color with coaterAge: 2002Serial Number: 626568Circa 194 million impressionsEquipped With:-Post Drupa ModelCP 2000Alcolor with VarioTechnotrans Beta C Refrigeration with ink temp control (Air cooled)AlcocontrolPresetAutoplateEltex ionise blast on feederElectronic sidelaysProgrammable wash of rollers/imp/bla cylinders via CP2000Heidelberg ScrollstarHeidelberg AirStarGrafix Exatronic 3000 powder spraySteel plate in Feeder and DeliveryPlate punch and BenderWe have the running videoMachine still in productionTest printing possible